I have created a custom taxonomy called "Variant" that is applied only to regular Posts. Variant has two terms, Episode and Article, that I use to distinguish between the two types of posts that I display on my website. (I tried creating custom post types with the same names, but I could not get them to work the same as regular posts in the Divi theme, which is why I opted for this implementation.)
Everything about my custom taxonomy works great, but I notice one shortcoming that I'd like to get help with.
On the main admin page for All Posts, it is possible to filter posts by Category and a variety of other criteria. However, I see no way to do this by using my custom taxonomy. It would be awesome to be able to go to the All Posts page and view all posts of type "Episode" for example, but I don't see any way to do this, and nothing in your documentation tells me how to modify the Admin page to include this functionality.
Perhaps this feature is simply not available. If so, can you add this as a feature request for a (near) future version?
David McLeod
You are right, there isn't such kind of feature within Types plugin, and you can submit the feature request here:
Our developers will evaluate it, and there isn't any ETA to implement it