At the moment, we use Memberpress and a user with a role of Member is created when one registers and purchases a subscription. Our business is a preschool, and the member is a Parent of a child(ren) who will attend the preschool. I'd like to achieve the following:
When the child's parent is logged in, they could access a custom post type called Children - there they can add a New Child with specific details and profile information for the child that is enrolled in our school.
What I don't know exactly is how to begin. Toolset is an amazing tool, and logically I am unable to visualize how and which specific different components would work together. I would like the parent of the child to add information such as allergy information, immunization record table, known medical issues of the child, date of birth, emergency contact phone, and clothes sizes to begin. Could you help me to visualize the concept?
I suggest you try these:
1) Create a custom post type "Children", add custom fields to post type "Children", such as allergy information ...
2) When the child's parents user are logged in, display them a wordpress page
3) In above page, display below:
- A Toolset form for creating "Children" posts
- A post view, query "Children" posts, filter by:
Post author is the same as the logged in user
In above view's loop, display a Editing form link for their parents to edit their child post:
For your reference
Thanks for the guidance. I'll begin and will respond in this thread if I need further clarification.
OK, please update here if you need more assistance for it. thanks
I have questions about the Custom Post Type - Custom Fields that I create/add, and the Auto-generate form content, Add fields, and Add generic fields options on the Form creation tool.
I believe that the Auto-generate button will insert the custom fields group created in the custom post type. What will happen if I create more form fields using the Add fields and Add generic fields options? In one article, I read that content entered in the generic fields will not be saved to the database. Is this correct? What about the Add fields option? What will happen to data entered in those fields. And last, is it safe to conclude that data entered in the custom field group from the custom post type will be entered into the database?
Thank you
I'm still working on this.
OK, please update this thread if you need more assistance for it, thanks