Hi Laurie,
For the sub categories you need to use the ID and NOT the slugs as the slugs do not work in the function that is used to set the category to the post.
Similarly to what we did for the parent categories, you need to do this for the child ones as well.
I took a look at the code and i see you've been miss interpreting a bit.
[cred_generic_field field='18' type='select' class='form-control' output="bootstrap"]
"options":[{"value":"advocate-for-children","label":"Advocate For Children"},
{"value":"child-care","label":"Child Care"},
{"value":"parenting-resource","label":"Parenting Resource"},
I see that you've changed the field attribute to 18. This is incorrect, you need to restore it to its original field name as the custom function is using the field name to get the selected value. This will break the custom function if their original field attribute name is not restored.
What should get the slugs changed to ID's are the option values. These
"options":[{"value":"advocate-for-children","label":"Advocate For Children"},
{"value":"child-care","label":"Child Care"},
{"value":"parenting-resource","label":"Parenting Resource"},
Similarly to what you did for the parent category
options":[{"value":"14","label":"Animal Care"},
{"value":"15","label":"Arts & Literature"},
{"value":"16","label":"Beauty & Spa"},
{"value":"17","label":"Care Coordinator"},
{"value":"18","label":"Children's Needs"},
{"value":"22","label":"Food & Drink"},
{"value":"23","label":"Goods & Retail"},
{"value":"24","label":"Health & Wellness"},
{"value":"25","label":"Home & Garden"},
{"value":"60","label":"Legal & Financial"},
{"value":"28","label":"Professional Services"},
{"value":"30","label":"Real Estate"},
{"value":"31","label":"Technical Services"},
Please let me know if this is clear or if there is anything that you are unsure about.