when I make a email link in HTML, I can add subject to the link like this
Doing makes the subject automatically populate in the new email.
How do I do this in a Content Template using an Email custom post type?
I tried this:
[types field='email' output='raw'][/types]
But gave me a blank on the front end.
Please help,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
Here is a slightly updated code that works on my test website:
<a href="mailto:[types field='email' output='raw'][/types]?subject=EMAIL SUBJECT HERE">[types field='email' output='raw'][/types]
I hope this helps and let me know if you need further assistance.
This worked great! Thanks. Do you know of a way to get the Post Title of the property to be the Email Subject?
When I put [wpv-post-title] as the Email Subject it uses the Post Title of the agent's page in the Email Subject, not the property he is connected to.
Is there a way to pull the property title, which is the Post Title on this page, and the property this agent is connected to thru a relationship, into that Email subject?
The ultimate goal is to have a function where people can contact the agent about the property they are viewing.
Thanks for your time.
Thanks for the update and glad that it worked.
I've created a separate ticket for your question about the title of the related post and will follow up on that shortly.
( ref: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/split-using-the-wpv-post-title-shortcode-for-the-related-post/ )
You're welcome to mark this ticket as resolved and start a new one for each new question or concern.