I've got a checkbox as a custom field in a field group. Its purpose is to superimpose a little heart over the featured image of a post, when selected. e.g. hidden link
I'd like to add the heart to the corresponding archive images. Thank you!
hidden link
In single post, you can use [types] shortcode to check if specific option of custom checkboxes field is checked, and display the little heart image, for example:
[types field="my-checkboxes" option="0"]here display the little heart image[/types]
Then use CSS codes to display the little heart image over post featured image.
More help:
"zero-based index number"
e.g. option=”0″ Will output the value for the option number specified.
Sorry, I don't understand. The heart is already over the featured image on the post! I want to add it to the archive image. Thanks.
First, there isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset plugins, as I mentioned above, it needs custom CSS codes.
You can try these:
1) Design the WordPress Archive page with Toolset WordPress Archive
2) In the loop of above Toolset WordPress Archive, output the "little heart" on custom checkboxes field value:
3) Then use custom CSS codes, display the little heart image over post featured image.
Just quickly commenting to reopen ticket. I'll be back tomorrow. Thank you
I have marked this thread as "Waiting for feedback" status, please update here if you still need assistance for it.