Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily customize the standard WordPress listing pages using WordPress archives. You can redesign any WordPress archive, including custom post archives, taxonomy archives, author archives and search results.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and what you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 931 through 945 (of 1,004 total)
Problem: I would like to create different designs for the Author archives based on the Author's role.
You can use the filter wpv_filter_force_wordpress_archive to modify the WordPress Archive that is applied to an archive page, and you can set up conditionals that return the proper WordPress Archive ID:
if (in_array("subscriber", $user_roles)){
// return some archive ID for subscriber role
if (in_array("author", $user_roles)){
// return some archive ID for author role
The issue here is that the user wanted to create a custom woocommerce php template for his site.
I believe for this to work, you will need to create the template file within your theme directory. Create a woocommerce folder and then add your template files within that folder.
Problem: I would like to hide certain taxonomy terms from a custom search filter by using a URL parameter.
Solution: This type of customization is not possible in the current system and would require custom code. Instead, you could use a separate taxonomy for the terms, or you could use custom links instead of filters.
Problem: I would like to be able to specify a
custom Facebook sharing thumbnail for a custom taxonomy archive using an OG meta tag.
Solution: There's not a built-in way to do this with Toolset, so the best way to manage Facebook sharing and other OG meta tags is probably to use a 3rd-party SEO plugin.
Problem: I cannot get a distance filter to work on a WordPress Archive.
Solution: The distance filter feature is not fully implemented in WordPress Archives. The best way to get around this is to create a View that behaves like your WordPress Archive, using Query Filters. Then insert the View in your WordPress Archive, outside the wpv-loop tags. Cut everything from inside the wpv-loop tags and paste it inside the View's wpv-loop tags. Remove all filters from the old WordPress Archive.