Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily customize the standard WordPress listing pages using WordPress archives. You can redesign any WordPress archive, including custom post archives, taxonomy archives, author archives and search results.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and what you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 736 through 750 (of 791 total)
The problem is that i need an specific page for some additional taxonomies (Manufacturer, target-group) wich are added to Woocommerce products beneath the standard taxonomies product categories and tags.
So i need for my both additional taxonomies a own taxonomy pag, without "destroying" it for the normal template pages?
You can setup custom theme files for specific terms, see WordPress document:
How can we style the archive by elementor?
It's strictly speaking not possible to style WPA (WordPress archives made with Views) using elementor.
However, you can always insert a template of elementor directly in the view or archive loop and use that to display the single posts look in the archive list.
How to use the Views API on WordPress Archives?
WordPress archives do not support the Views API.
will work on archives.
You can, however, add queries to the Archive by setting them in the Toolset WordPress archive, if you enable the full custom view (Screen options of the archive)
There, you can add queries by fields, terms, and more.
Problem: I have a WordPress Archive set up to display my shop page, and I would like to hide all results that belong to a specific category.
Solution: Use the Query Filter panel to apply a Product Category filter that shows posts that have "No one of the following" terms. Check the terms you want to filter out.