With the Views plugin you can create different Views elements to display all your custom types and content on the front-end, without coding. You can also create powerful parametric searches and add pagination to your content lists.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the options of your View.
Viewing 15 topics - 5,551 through 5,565 (of 5,576 total)
The problem was that the Types custom field used to insert the tooltip text is a Wysiwyg field, which inserts HTML markup, and needs to be a simple text field that inserts plain text.
Problem: I have a View that shows a list of posts in a custom post type. Some of my posts have the same title. I would like to remove the duplicate titles from the View. How can I filter by unique post title?
Solution: There is no simple way to filter duplicate titles from wp-admin. You could implement your own custom code that uses the wpv_filter_query API or the wpv_filter_query_post_process API to filter out matching titles, or you can use this jQuery snippet to hide them on the frontend:
I want to display video recording links from an Event. Some events have a pre-event meeting that also has a video recording. I have more than one type of event so, I only want to display the video links that are of event Type 1 AND the video recording link field is not empty - OR the pre-event video recording link field is not empty. Logic should be something similar to this:
if ( (event-type === '1') AND ( (video-link-1 > 0) OR (video-link-2 > 0) ) )
I suggest you try this:
1) Edit your view, setup the filters as:
(video-link-1 > 0) OR (video-link-2 > 0)
2) In the Views loop, use shortcode [wpv-conditional] to check the custom field "event-type" value, if the value is "1", then display this item.
I have a custom post type of "events". For each event I have a date field. Most events are single occurrences but some occur multiple times during a day, or on several days across a week for example - so I have this setup as a field that allow multiple instances.
I want to display these events in a compact view on my homepage. However, when there are multiple date entries, this can start to get quite untidy with long lists of dates for some events. What I would like to do in my VIew is the following:
• If the event only has one date instance, show it.
• If there is more than one date instance, do not show all the dates and instead show a default message like: "This event runs from [first date] on various dates. Please click for full details."
I suggest you use Views shortcode [wpv-conditional] shortcode to check if the custom date has multiple instances, then display what you want, for example, the custom date field slug is "event-date":
[wpv-conditional if="'[wpv-post-field name="wpcf-event-date" index=1]' eq ''" evaluate="false"]
This event runs from [types field='event-date' style='text' format='F j, Y' index=0][/types] on various dates. Please click for full details.
[wpv-conditional if="'[wpv-post-field name="wpcf-event-date" index=1]' eq ''" evaluate="true"]
If the event only has one date instance, show it. [types field='event-date' style='text' format='F j, Y' separator=', '][/types]
Please replace "event-date" with your custom date field slug