With the Views plugin you can create different Views elements to display all your custom types and content on the front-end, without coding. You can also create powerful parametric searches and add pagination to your content lists.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the options of your View.
Viewing 15 topics - 4,846 through 4,860 (of 4,866 total)
The output of an existing View now includes wrapper divs with classes of .et-boc and .et_builder_inner_content which messes with the current style rules.
apply suppress_filter="true" to your Content Templates inserted in the Views.
The classes are added by Divi or Divi Builder to the_content and this is the only way to remove them (or ask Divi to not add those to all the_content calls but only when they require it)
In the output of a View conditional shortcodes are being used to optionally display certain content, but seen on the front-end a [/wpv-conditional] closing tag erroneously appears.
Client is also using the wpv-item shortcode to show different content for different iterations of the Loop.
The wpv-item shortcode is evaluated before the wpv-conditional shortcode, and so cannot be wrapped by a condition.
The conditional shortcode must come wholly after the relevant wpv-item shortcode.
Problem: I would like to use two loops in the same View. I would like to use the first loop to create tab buttons, and the second loop to create tab panels.
Solution: It's not currently possible to use multiple loops in the same View, so you must create two Views.
Problem: I have some Views filtered by taxonomy term, set by the current page. But when the View is placed on a taxonomy archive, the term filter is not applied correctly.
Solution: It's not possible to use 'set by the current page' on a taxonomy archive, so you should switch to use shortcode attributes and pass the term in using the wpv-taxonomy-archive shortcode.