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Topic Tag: Toolset Theme integration

Toolset provides integration with popular themes, allowing you to design layouts for these themes using drag-and-drop, while preserving everything that the themes offer. The themes that are currently supported are:

When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us which theme you are using and what you want to achieve.

Viewing 15 topics - 496 through 510 (of 664 total)
Status Topic Supporter Voices Posts Freshness
WPML / Layouts / Genesis problems

Started by:  Geoffrey Cleverley in: Toolset Professional Support

1 2 7 years, 4 months ago

 Geoffrey Cleverley

Genesis Page Layouts – Content Layout Editor – Problem 1 2

Started by:  Geoffrey Cleverley in: Toolset Professional Support

2 17 7 years, 4 months ago

 Geoffrey Cleverley

Site key for development site

Started by:  Pasquale Granato in: Toolset Professional Support
Quick solution available

3 4 7 years, 4 months ago


mobile menu button not working with twentysixteen integration

Started by:  Eric Manherz in: Toolset Professional Support

3 9 7 years, 5 months ago


Display Repeating Image Field Inside Avada Carousel Shortcode

Started by:  Mojo in: Toolset Professional Support

2 8 7 years, 5 months ago


can I ask a technical support for a third theme integration?

Started by:  Jeffrey in: Toolset Professional Support
Quick solution available

2 13 7 years, 5 months ago


Is it possible to install a reference site first and then Avada and integration?

Started by:  gerhardR-2 in: Toolset Professional Support

2 6 7 years, 5 months ago


Adding views causes other content to disappear

Started by:  stephenF-6 in: Toolset Professional Support

2 3 7 years, 5 months ago

 Arvish Mungur

Toolset genesis integration single post pagination not displaying

Started by:  Dallin Chase in: Toolset Professional Support
Quick solution available

2 10 7 years, 5 months ago

 Dallin Chase

Translate Footer Text and Return to top Link with WPML

Started by:  Geoffrey Cleverley in: Toolset Professional Support

2 11 7 years, 5 months ago

 Geoffrey Cleverley

multiple fields of information on one row, multiple questions

Started by:  davidK-17 in: Types Community Support

2 3 7 years, 5 months ago


Layout Conflicts with Event Calendar

Started by:  Win Soh in: Toolset Professional Support
Quick solution available

2 9 7 years, 5 months ago

 Win Soh

Explaining how to use Toolset plugins to achieve my goals. I need help

Started by:  davidS-47 in: Toolset Professional Support

2 14 7 years, 5 months ago

 Luo Yang

I am trying to build a vacation rental site using toolset

Started by:  Jeffrey in: Toolset Professional Support
Quick solution available

2 3 7 years, 5 months ago


No Avada Theme Integration Installation Wizard

Started by:  christianW-6 in: Toolset Professional Support

2 2 7 years, 5 months ago

 Luo Yang

Viewing 15 topics - 496 through 510 (of 664 total)