Toolset Maps is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add address fields to any content type or users and display any content on Google Maps.
Toolset Maps User Guides include detailed documentation for creating these special address fields, adding pointers to them and displaying them on maps.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 1,021 through 1,035 (of 1,146 total)
Problem: I'm having several problems where maps are no longer working. I see an error "REQUEST_DENIED - This API project is not authorized to use this API" and the map does not load. Custom field images associated with each post are no longer appearing.
Solution: Disable any custom code in your custom theme that loads the Google Maps API, because Toolset Maps will do this automatically. Check the database to be sure migrated URLs have all been updated correctly.
A View lists posts, and also displays the same results as markers on a map. How to click on a post result and have the map focus on the corresponding marker?
You can insert a button for each post into the View results with a required attributes that will focus the map on the marker, like so:
<button class="js-wpv-addon-maps-focus-map" data-map="map-name" data-marker="marker-[wpv-post-id]">
Focus on marker</button>
Problem: I have a custom search View that lists posts. I would like to filter these posts by 3 custom fields. One of the custom fields should be filtered as a range, with a min and max value.
Solution: When adding the Search Filters in your View, choose the option to compare "between", and always compare numbers as type "UNSIGNED".