Types plugin lets you easily create relationships between different post types and connect them using GUI controls. You can also connect multiple post types and build many-to-many post relationships.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and the structure that you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 451 through 465 (of 639 total)
Problem: I have a custom post type that contains one date field, as well as several repeatable field groups (RFGs). I would like to create a View of one of the RFGs and sort those results by the parent post's custom date field.
Solution: It is not currently possible to sort or filter a View of RFG by a field in the parent post. Instead, you could create a View of the parent post type and sort those results by the date field. Then create another View of the RFG, filtered by post relationship/RFG post owner, set by the current post in the loop.
I tried to migrate, as toolset asks me to. Then I got this error.
> Unable to create table ebD3I56_toolset_associations due to a MySQL Error:
> Unable to create table ebD3I56_toolset_relationships due to a MySQL Error:
> Unable to create table ebD3I56_toolset_type_sets due to a MySQL Error:
This is a case-sensitive problem, you can fix by this:
Problem: I would like to know if it's possible to assign a taxonomy to a User, or to create a relationship with a User.
Solution: The most flexible approach is to use a proxy post type that represents Users, and set each User to be the author of one proxy post. Then you can assign taxonomies and post relationships to the proxy post.
Problem: When editing a post in wp-admin, I would like to assign a relationship between the current post and another existing post. However the list of post options in the relationship field is incomplete, and several posts are not assignable.
Solution: In this case, the post relationship type was "one-to-many". That means if a child post is already associated with another parent post, it cannot be associated to the current parent post. That would require a new many-to-many relationship.