Create paginated list
Started by: phacharaK
in: Toolset Professional Support
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How can I paginate the output I create with Toolset Views?
Let's say I have a list of posts or taxonomies and want to paginate them, either on a View, or WordPress archive.
How would I go about?
You would set up a Post View (or user/taxonomy View), and paginate it by any amount of items per page you want.
Or, if this is used on an archive later, you can also customize the WordPress Archives with Views, and choose to paginate the output.
In any case, complete the loop of the View or Archive and do not forget to include pagination links with the GUI we provide for it.
Then, you can visit these items in the front end and paginate successfully by as many items you chose during the setup.
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6 years, 8 months ago
Hierarchical custom taxonomy links in a Custom HTML widget
Started by: fulvioT
in: Toolset Professional Support
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Problem: I would like to use the custom shortcode get_taxonomy_items to display links to hierarchical term archives in a Custom HTML widget, but the term links appear before the widget instead of inside the widget.
Solution: When used in a Custom HTML widget, this custom shortcode must be modified as shown:
/* modifica per categorie personalizzate */
function get_taxonomy_items_func($atts){
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'taxonomy_name' => '',
), $atts ) );
$args = array(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy_name,
'hierarchical' => 1,
wp_list_categories( $args );
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode('get_taxonomy_items', 'get_taxonomy_items_func');
Then insert this code in the Custom HTML widget:
<ul class="widget_categories">
[get_taxonomy_items taxonomy_name="tribunali"]
Relevant Documentation: @https://toolset.com/forums/topic/how-to-create-a-view-which-displays-taxonomy-as-proper-indented-hierarchy/#post-368307
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6 years, 8 months ago
Disable Taxonomy Archive
Started by: Annie
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Multi-language taxonomy terms for single-language custom post type
Started by: sebastianK-3
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Post Field Control from ACF to Toolset for grouped checkbox and map fields
Started by: KirtimanS2393
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Dynamic Select Field
Started by: abrahamL
in: Types Community Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Exclusive taxonomies
Started by: JanP6468
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Need help to achieve a custom search wizard like using Woocommerce and Toolset
Started by: jamesN-3
in: Types Community Support
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Problem: I would like to create a Custom Search wizard that allows Users to select filters in a multiple step form.
Solution: Views custom search filters are designed to be displayed on a single page, so setting up multi-part forms to capture filters is not supported.
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6 years, 9 months ago
Christian Cox
Post specific Taxonomy Fields
Started by: Adrian
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Javascript needed to check/uncheck parent and child in wpv-control-post-taxonomy
Started by: jenr
in: Toolset Professional Support
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Problem: I would like to know some best practices for adding custom JavaScript to affect a custom search View's filters.
- Use the View's Filter Editor JS panel to insert custom JavaScript, or enqueue it in your theme as an external JS file
- Use the namespace 'jQuery' instead of '$'. Replace $ with jQuery
- Wrap any jQuery code in a jQuery document ready handler so it is executed after jQuery is initialized:
// add your code here, using the namespace 'jQuery' instead of '$'
- In the Filter Editor JS panel, you can find a button "Frontend Events". This opens a dialog that will allow you to construct event handlers related to specific frontend filter events, like pagination events and search events.
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6 years, 9 months ago
Christian Cox
CPT relationship based on a taxonomy
Started by: Daniel
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
How to organize gallery for multipurpose (and external) usage
Started by: Ljuba
in: Toolset Professional Support
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Problem: I would like to use CRED to allow my site Users to upload multiple images, and associate those images with CPTs. Some of those CPTs are child posts, some are parents, some are grandparents. What is the best way to associate the images with all levels of the CPT hierarchy?
Solution: It depends on your site's requirements. There are several things to consider.
- It is easier to create custom search filters using custom fields attached to the same post type shown in the View.
- However, it is not possible to use repeating fields in child posts in the current stable version of Types. The new beta M2M features will address some of this issue.
- Taxonomies can be used to relate the images to multiple CPTs, but they must be managed by your Users.
- Galleries and Carousels in Divi Builder have limited options for filtering the results, and it is not possible to use shortcodes as filters. So Divi cannot access custom fields effectively in the Gallery or Carousel module.
- Elementor ACF Gallery modules may or may not work with Types custom fields. Types custom fields are stored in the postmeta table using the previx "wpcf-".
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6 years, 9 months ago
What are the options for displaying different content to different users on the front-end?
Started by: Ljuba
in: Toolset Professional Support
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What are the options for displaying different content to different users on the front-end?
To display different content on the front-end according to some criteria you essentially have two options.
If the thing being tested relates to the person doing the looking (the user browsing the website is registered and has a certain role because they have paid for a particular membership, for example) then you can use Access to restrict the visibility of whole pages, or to selectively show certain content on a page (as described here: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/access-control-texts-inside-page-content/).
If the thing being tested relates to the thing being looked at then you would need to add custom fields to the content being viewed and then use the wpv-conditional shortcodes to test the content of those custom fields and selectively display what is wrapped in the shortcode, as described here: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/conditional-html-output-in-views/
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6 years, 9 months ago
Checkboxes or taxonomy
Started by: Ljuba
in: Toolset Professional Support
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Is it recommended to use taxonomies (with checkboxes) or checkboxes custom fields?
If you intend to filter a View using these checkboxes you should probably use taxonomies rather than a checkboxes custom field, because within WordPress taxonomy filters are more performant that meta query filters (https://tomjn.com/2017/02/27/not-post-meta-bad/).
See the answer below for a more detailed discussion.
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6 years, 9 months ago
Need to get my url structure to be: cpt-slug/custom-taxonomy/post-name
Started by: Johan Marneweck
in: Toolset Professional Support
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6 years, 9 months ago
Luo Yang