I created a view with taxonomy search filters, order buttons, search box and pager with AJAX.
I tested it and it seems it works fine.
But I had to display taxonomy search filters on the sidebar on the same page, just like different search widgets.
I did it by Layouts and I placed various instances of the same view on two different cells. One of them is set to "The search form and the results" and another is set to "Only the search form". I hid filters by CSS on each position where I don't want to display them.
It seems it works fine, AJAX update results and filters correctly.
Then I added the pager. I'd like to display it on top and on the bottom of the page, so I duplicated [wpv-filter-meta-html] and I hid search filters at the bottom of the page by CSS.
The pager works fine by itself, but if I select any order filter the pager disappears.
There is also an issue with the search box, it is just not searching...
Is there a way to fix this?
1) The view you mentioned above "Series", it is a normal post view
but you are using it in a wordpress archive page:
It is a archive page of post type "series"
So the AJAX pagination and AJAX filters of normal view does not work as expected in the archive page.
In you case, I suggest use Views wordpress archive to customize the archive page, for example, you can edit the layout "Series"
Edit the cell WordPress Archive cell "WordPress Archive", add orderby radio buttons and pagination in it, and test again.
Relevant Documentation:
WordPress Archive – Customizing the Appearance of Archive Pages
Custom Pagination for WordPress Archives