Views plugin provides a pagination feature that lets you split large amounts of content into pages with previous and next controls.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the pagination options of the View and the pagination controls that you have inserted.
Viewing 15 topics - 196 through 210 (of 267 total)
How to scroll back to the top of the page after paginating a View?
Add the following code which makes use of the custom JS events provided by Views which can be inserted using the Front-end events button on the custom JS editor of the Search and Pagination section of a View:
Problem: I have a View that paginates with AJAX. A specific shortcode included on the first page works fine. However, the same shortcode included on one of the following pages is written out in code.
Solution: There are some limitations to pagination with AJAX and 3rd-party shortcodes. If you created the shortcode yourself, you can use the Toolset Code Snippets feature to allow execution in AJAX requests.