Layouts is a WordPress plugin that lets you design responsive layouts for entire pages, from the header down to the footer.
Layouts User Guides include detailed documentation on how Layouts editor works and how you can create Layouts and assign them to specific content, or as templates for all items of a post type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 946 through 960 (of 1,026 total)
For example, if you have 3 layers of terms:
- Parent
-- Child
Each has several posts added to it, which you can display in a separate list, that you can reach starting on a Page where only "GrandParent" posts are shown and links to "Parent" and "Child".
To do that:
- create a View that queries your Taxonomy and set a filter as in:
"Select taxonomy terms whose parent is None."
- Add some post information to the loop, or any other data you want to display
- Add the View to any page and see in the front end only data about grand parent terms
- Now add a View which again queries the Taxonomy, this time has a Query filter as:
"Parent is the taxonomy selected by the parent Taxonomy View"
- Again complete the Loop with the information you want to display
- Now insert this View to the loop of the View you created first (and inserted to the page)
- Reload that page and see, that now you have a list of Grandparent Terms and a list of Parent Terms.
- Repeat these steps for the lowest "Child" terms and insert the View to the second created View.
This can be repeated for basically as many times you want.
It allows you to query the data depending on the currently looped content, and link to whatever related page/post/taxonomy term.
You would need to add there HTML and CSS yourself to group and style it like you show, but with the Toolset Views Loop Wizard you should already be able to cut a good part of that as well.
Problem: I have two Views. I'm using the first View on page 1 and displaying on the search form. It's set up to display the results on page 2, where I have inserted View 2. The taxonomy filters I selected in page 1 search form do not seem to be applied to the View results in page 2.
Solution: Check to be sure your Query Filters are identical, including the URL parameter spelling and punctuation.
Problem: I am trying to use a Types field shortcode in a shortcode attribute for a NextGen gallery, but the gallery shortcode breaks and I see an error "We cannot display this gallery".
Solution: Use a Visual Editor cell to insert the gallery shortcode instead of a Post Content cell. Disable the_content() filter in the Visual Editor cell.
Full-width backgrounds with Generate Press and Layouts are not completely full-width.
The Template Layout can occupy as much space as the theme allocates to the content area (and that includes any background styling), so the first step is to make sure the theme settings (set in the theme options for that Layout) are full-width.
The output of an existing View now includes wrapper divs with classes of .et-boc and .et_builder_inner_content which messes with the current style rules.
Divi introduced this change—which even affects Views where the template is *not* designed with Divi—in version 3.10.1.
After many user complaints about side-effects it is expected to be removed in subsequent Divi versions.
Problem: I would like to display a YouTube video on my site, but when I try to use the embed shortcodes with the raw custom field value, the video URL appears.
Solution: Use the "embedded media" custom field type to display embedded YouTube videos. The embed shortcodes will be applied automatically.
Problem: The list of Layouts has disappeared from Toolset > Layouts.
Solution: Clear cache and cookies, log out and log back in. If any Layouts are missing, find their IDs and edit them manually in wp-admin by accessing this URL:
Change 12345 to match the Layout ID. If you are unsure of the missing Layout IDs, you can find them in the wp_posts table by searching for post_type = dd_layouts