Layouts is a WordPress plugin that lets you design responsive layouts for entire pages, from the header down to the footer.
Layouts User Guides include detailed documentation on how Layouts editor works and how you can create Layouts and assign them to specific content, or as templates for all items of a post type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 796 through 810 (of 822 total)
Add a view to a layout in order to have a dynamic banner section to pull content from a custom post type, located just under the tabbed Product Specs section.
Only the post body content pulls through, event custom html within the template for the view is stripped. Only the post body shortcode is not removed.
There is other plugin/theme adding filters to content template, you can suppress those filter by adding attribute suppress_filters="true" to content template shortcode [wpv-post-body], for example:
[wpv-post-body view_template="Loop item in Product Banner" suppress_filters="true"]