Layouts is a WordPress plugin that lets you design responsive layouts for entire pages, from the header down to the footer.
Layouts User Guides include detailed documentation on how Layouts editor works and how you can create Layouts and assign them to specific content, or as templates for all items of a post type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 586 through 600 (of 648 total)
I want to use different images according to the viewport size, and show them alternatively. For instance one pic for mobile and another for large screens. Is this possible?
I suggest you try the attribute "srcset" and "sizes" attributes of the img HTML tag, for example:
Views shortcode [wpv-post-featured-image size="large"] will be able to output the HTML image tags like this:
Problem: My Content Layout doesn't seem to work after updating to WordPress 5 and Gutenberg.
Solution: Types 3.2.3 allows you to select the block editor (Gutenberg) or the classic editor for each post. Use the classic editor to style a post with a Content Layout.
Display one random text from an array {a|b|c|d} in taxonomy archive page.
There isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset, I suggest you try to setup some custom codes, for example, create a custom shortcode, and output the random text from the array.