CRED plugin allows you to build forms that create child posts and set parents for these posts, supporting the parent-child relationship functionality from Types plugin.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the structure of your content and the relationship between the content types.
Viewing 15 topics - 346 through 360 (of 470 total)
Problem: I have a View of posts that displays a table of information. In the last column, I would like to display information about the most recent related post.
Solution: Create two Views, one for displaying the table and another for displaying the related post. Nest the View of related posts inside the table View. In the View of related posts, add a post relationship Query Filter set by the current post in the loop, limit the results to 1 result, and sort by post date in descending order.
The issue here is that the user has their child form which gets some basic parent information from the URL. However after submitting the form and then being redirect to the same child form to add a new child post for the same parent the link to allow the user to click to the parent is broken again.
The workaround to this is by using the [wpv-post-url] in combination with the [wpv-search-term] shortcode.
The way to get the url from the Parent id in the url can be seen below.
<a href="[wpv-post-url item='[wpv-search-term param='parent_planner-event_id']']">Back to [wpv-post-title item='[wpv-search-term param='parent_planner-event_id']']</a>
Where parent_planner-event_id is the url parameter.
limit parent drop down by author on Toolset child form with parent field
You can use the attribute author="$current" so that the select dropdown only includes parent posts authored by the current user for your parent dropdown select.
I know that for the CPT that Types Supports the REST API but at the moment it is very limited. I know that custom fields are not yet supported for this.
How can I create and edit RFG (Repeeatable field groups) in the Front end with Toolset Forms?
How to create RFG (Repeatable Field Groups) with forms:
1. Go to Toolset > Post Forms and add a new form
2. Select the RFG you want to create items - you can find the RFG in the usual Post Type selector
3. Make sure the Post Status is "published"
4. The field to set the post to which the RFG belongs needs manually adding to the form. It is required, but you need to manually add it from the right to wherever you want it to appear in the form on the left.
At this point, you should be able to save the form and actually already use it.
Use this form by inserting it into any page you want. When you visit the page, you will be able to submit ONE RFG a time and choose to what post it should belong to.
Almost the same applies to edit forms, just that here, you need to insert the Edit Form into a View, that lists the RFG.
Then in the View, you insert the Form that edits the (single) RFG's.