The integration between Toolset and Divi theme makes it easy to add custom content to Divi and display it, on the front-end. You can use Divi Builder with Toolset to design templates for your custom post types and archive pages.
Problem: I would like to modify the output generated by Views shortcodes, specifically wpv-woo-product-image.
Solution: The options for Views shortcodes are documented at the link below. You can find various options for wpv-woo-product-image, which can affect the output generated on your site.
I expected to see: Divi theme integration under the section, "Layouts theme integrations", all other components of Toolset that are available or installed, except for Divi integration Solution:
The popular themes we have provided integration plugins for, e.g. Divi, Avada, twentyseventeen, will no longer be “fully integrated” and will no longer require integration plugins. Compatibility issues will be resolved within Layouts itself, and as of Layouts 2.0.2 you will not be expected to use the integration plugins, and you will use Layouts to design the content area of the page only. This happened already for Divi with Layouts 2.0.1, and will happen for the rest in version 2.0.2 Relevant Documentation: