Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily design the display of single pages using content templates. You can also include any field belonging to the content in your templates, without writing PHP code.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and what you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 2,101 through 2,115 (of 2,130 total)
How to output Yoast SEO meta titles on the page?
Yoast stores the meta titles as hidden custom fields, e.g. _yoast_wpseo_title, possibly _yoast_wpseo_opengraph-title, which can be output using the wpv-post-field shortcode like so:
How to display content conditionally on taxonomy term archive based on term custom field
You can use [wpv-conditional] to check the term custom field value on term archive page.
For example:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[types termmeta='module-partner-logo' output='raw' term_id='[wpv-taxonomy-archive info='id']'][/types]' ne '' )"]
Your code goes here
The issue here is that the user was trying to assign a content template to the events manager generated pages.
Unfortunately I don't think this will be possible because the Events Manager plugin is using it's own custom template so our view plugin isn't able to hook into this template.
Display multiple instances textarea field "location", format with HTML P tag + @.
Since the field "location" is a custom textarea field, it will output extra HTML P tags by default, you can disable it by setup the output="raw" attribute, for example:
Creating a Content Template for a post type to be used with the Impreza theme results in the Header and Footer not being displayed. (It was necessary to register the theme function "us_load_template" for Content Templates to work at all with Impreza.)
In the Impreza theme settings it was necessary to explicitly set the header and footer for the custom post type, "default" didn't work.