CRED plugin allows you to build front-end forms for creating and editing content. These forms can include all the fields that belong to the content and display them with your HTML styling. CRED forms also support input validation and automatic email notifications.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the structure and the settings of your form.
Viewing 15 topics - 2,866 through 2,880 (of 2,886 total)
Problem: I would like to create a Content Template for CPT A, and I would like to show all the related child CPT B posts inside that Content Template.
Solution: Use a parent / child relationship to link CPT A and CPT B. Create a View of CPT B, filtered by post relationship, where the parent post is set by the current page. Insert this View into a Content Template assigned to CPT A.
The issue here is that the user wanted to send an email using a generic field that was added to CRED but the field was not showing up in the notification options.
This is being caused by the the information not being saved to the database. To do this you will need to add "persist":1 to your generic shortcode.
How can we control what HTML tags are allowed to be submitted with CRED Forms?
All HTML tags that you check in Toolset > Settings > Forms > Content Filter, will be allowed, all that are unchecked will be stripped, when the form is submitted.
There will be no error message to the user.
The content will simply be stripped by the unwanted tags.
Problem: I would like to set the value of a cred_field with the value of an email custom field in the current User's profile. When I use the Types usermeta shortcode, the value is not set correctly. If I place the same types usermeta shortcode outside the CRED field, I see the correct email address.
Solution: The Types usermeta shortcode will output a full HTML email address link, which won't work in a cred_field value attribute. Instead, you should use the wpv-user shortcode to output only the email address:
I would like to collect Data with CRED, and when the Form is submitted, send this data to another, external 3rd party application, that does not reside on the Wordpress Install or is by another Plugin/Theme.
Can you help me with this?
The success of this depends mainly on 2 things:
- What WordPress can do,
- what PHP can do.
If you know how to send data with PHP from WordPress installs to populate 3rd Party Databases, then those same methods will work perfectly fine within CRED as well.
The CRED API will allow you to hook your custom code whenever you need it.
Most likely you would use a late hook, so to make sure all data is in the database already, and you can grab it safely.
How to send the data out of WordPress to a completely different system, or populating 3rd Party databases, is something we cannot assist with in the Forum.
How can I create a DropDown or Select field, that allows the User to choose only one term, in a CRED Form?
We have specific ShortCodes in place for Taxonomies, you will see them when you autogenerate the CRED Form.
How you can make a Single Select Field for Taxonomies is shown in the DOC linked below.
It requires a little manual editing of the ShortCode.
This is the attribute you use:
Optional. Used by fields for Hierarchical Taxonomies (like Categories) to signify the mode of display (ie. “select” or “checkbox”).
Optional. Boolean. If the display=select argument is set, then single_select=true will only allow a single option to be selected (by default multiple options can be selected). Defaults to false.
Problem: I would like to place a CRED form on my site, and I would like to require my site users to first fill out a captcha on another page of the site before accessing the CRED form.
Solution: The only way captchas are implemented in Toolset is inside a CRED form. If you want to add a captcha outside a CRED form, it will require custom code or another plugin. I think you could accomplish something similar with two CRED forms, though. Include just a captcha and a submit button in the first form. Configure the CRED form to redirect the User to another page after the form is submitted. Place the second CRED Form on that page. It's not strictly secure, because a User can type the second page's URL directly into the browser to bypass the first form.
There are two basic ways to prevent accessing a page in Toolset:
1. Restrict that page access to specific User role(s) using Toolset Access. If the first CRED form does not create or edit a User's account, then this probably isn't helpful because the User will be a guest when filling out form 1 and still a guest when filling out form 2. You cannot use different User roles in this case. Custom code would be required.
2. Use conditional HTML to hide the form in some circumstances. You can use custom code to provide the terms of that conditional code if you want, or you can use any Types or Views shortcodes.