Layouts plugin provides a drag-and-drop editor that is used from the WordPress administration. Using this editor, you can create layouts, assign them to specific content and design entire pages.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the design that you want to achieve and the layouts that you have created so far.
Viewing 15 topics - 451 through 465 (of 466 total)
Problem: When I create a conditional, I'm able to select fields that have been deleted.
Solution: To delete a field from these options you should go to Types > Post Fields and click the "Post Field Control" button at the bottom of the screen. Find the field and delete it completely from this list.
Problem: I have a Layout that uses a Grid of Cells to display multiple rows of content. If the content is empty, the row should not appear. As it is now, there is some vertical space where the row is displayed, even without content.
Solution: If you get rid of that empty p tag, the row and its cells have no height and the space collapses. So I can think of two options.
Apply custom CSS that hides all empty paragraph tags in these rows. Add something like this to your Layouts CSS
.row > div > p:empty {
display: none;
Try to suppress the empty paragraph tag by disabling automatic paragraph tags. There are different ways to do this depending on how your Layouts are defined. If the cell contents are created in a Visual Editor cell, you can select "Disable automatic paragraphs" in the Visual Editor cell as shown in the screenshot. If it's in a Content Template cell, you can edit that CT and choose "Manual paragraphs".
Want to add custom search filter by multiple taxonomy terms in frontend along with prices for each category.
This is not possible using builtin features of Toolset.
This may be possible using custom coding & custom development and it is out of support policy ( So we recommend to contact Toolset recommended service providers to further discuss the custom approach. We have some recommended list of service providers here if you would like to take a look: