Access is a WordPress plugin that lets you add custom roles and control their privileges.
Access User Guides include detailed documentation for controlling what actions different roles and users can do on content and what WordPress admin screens users can access.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 1,126 through 1,140 (of 1,161 total)
You can use the Beaver Builder with Views to create Content Templates for single custom posts in Views and design the output with Beaver Builder and later on with Layouts you can use the content template cell to add such designed content template to your layout. You will not be allowed to use Beaver Builder page builder with Layouts and its expected.
1) Edit the page "Registrazione NCC", section "Post Group", choose option as :
No Post Group selected.
2) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Access Control-> CRED form
in section "CRED Users Frontend Access",
find "Create Custom User with CRED Form "Registrazione NCC"", enable option for guest user.
Problem: I would like to allow Access WPML groups to edit specific posts in other languages.
Solution: Hi, at this time Access does not offer the ability to specify read/write permissions per language, per User, per post or per CPT. To achieve that type of granular control, you might be able to use inline Access Controls or Conditional HTML code on the front-end of your site to restrict access to specific parts of your site content, like individual CRED forms or specific post custom fields. However, enforcing those access rules on the backend isn't possible with the current software. That would require a custom code solution.
If you auto-generate a CRED form you can mark that it should add a reCaptcha field, or you can add it to an existing form using the Post Fields button (the reCaptcha field appears under "Extra fields").