Access is a WordPress plugin that lets you add custom roles and control their privileges.
Access User Guides include detailed documentation for controlling what actions different roles and users can do on content and what WordPress admin screens users can access.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 1,066 through 1,080 (of 1,096 total)
CRED form not displaying on frontend for guest users or visitors or for without logged in users
To display CRED form for guest users, You should set permissions for your CRED form from:
=> Toolset -> Access Control
=> click on CRED Forms tab
=> set the permission for your form within "CRED Frontend Access" Group:
=> Save the settings
A Toolset Form should be visible to guest users.
When you have Access enabled, Forms will only be visible to guest users if you explicitly give such permission, by visiting Toolset > Access Control > Toolset Forms.
Problem: I would like to delete a post when a User's WooCommerce Subscription is canceled or expires.
Solution: Toolset does not have any hooks that will help you respond to WooCommerce Subscription events, so I would ask WooCommerce Subscriptions' support team if they offer an API that will allow you to perform some action when a subscription is canceled or expires. If so, then you can use some custom code to set the post to "draft" status, which would effectively remove it from the front-end of the site. You could reinstate the post at any time if the subscription is renewed. Here's an example ticket on stackoverflow that modifies a post's status: