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Import Data using the WP Ultimate CSV Importer plugin in WordPress

The WP Ultimate CSV Importer plugin allows you to import custom posts and WordPress Custom Fields from a CSV file into your WordPress site.

Using the WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin you will be able to import also the Types Custom Fields, which are the fields you created using the Toolset Types plugin. You can also use it to create or update posts through CSV files and maintain relationships between your post types and for importing Types repeatable field groups.

Using the WP Importer Custom fields extension you can import Types Custom Fields from a CSV file into your Toolset-based site
Using the WP Importer Custom fields extension you can import Types Custom Fields from a CSV file into your Toolset-based site

Preparing the CSV file

Prepare a CSV file with the data you would like to import to your WordPress site.

  1. The first row should include fields headings.The headings don’t need to match the names of the custom fields you have defined in Toolset Types plugin but it’s good if they correspond. It will be easier for you to map the columns of your CSV file to the custom fields of your WordPress site.
  2. The plugin imports posts, one per row. So in the rows that follow provide the field values, including standard fields such as the post title, one post per row. The table will help.

Hint: don’t include the post id fields in your CSV file if you are adding new posts. The plugin will do it for you. If a post id field is included it will overwrite existing posts.

Here’s a sample CSV file.

Example CSV file
Example CSV file

Here is an example of an imported post after successfully importing a CSV file:

Fields after importing
Fields after importing

Importing the data

Make sure that you have the WP Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin installed and activated.

  1. Go to Ultimate CSV Importer PRO and switch to Import/Update tab.
  2. Use the Upload From Desktop option. Click the arrow icon.
CSV file upload
CSV file upload
  1. Select your CSV file.
  2. Wait until the file gets uploaded.
  3. In the Import each record as dropdown choose your Custom Post Type (“recipe” in our example – see the screenshot below).
  4. Choose New items, if you want to add new posts.
  5. Choose Existing items, if you want to update existing posts with new values.
Selecting a custom post type
  1. Click Continue.

If you are uploading the file for the first time, you will need to establish fields mapping. Click Create mapping.

Hint: If you uploaded this or a similar file before, select one of the saved templates to save time.

Fields mapping

  1. Click on the WordPress Fields section to collapse it so that all sections are visible. You will see the following tabs. You will see the following tabs (see the image). In most cases you will use the WordPress Fields (1), Types Custom Fields (3) and the Terms and Taxonomies (4), if you have taxonomies to import.
Mapping section
Mapping section
  1. Expand the WordPress Fields tab. Provide the mapping for the fields you included in your CSV file.If a given field doesn’t exist in your file, don’t choose anything (stick to the -Select- option). Default values will be used, if applicable, for example the currently logged-in user will be used in the Author field, current date will be used for the Publish Date field.
    Hint: If you are adding new posts, leave the ID field empty. A valid post id will be added automatically by the plugin.
  2. Expand the Types Custom Fields section.
    In the left column, WP Fields, you will see all Types Fields associated with the Post Type you have chosen for this import.
    In the right column, CSV Header, you will see the headings from the first row of your CSV file.
    Complete the mapping. If a given field is not provided in your CSV file, skip it, leaving the “-select-” default option.
Saving the template
Saving the template
  1. Expand the Terms and Taxonomies section. Complete the mapping.
  2. Check the Save the current mapping as new template option and provide a name of your template where the mapping will be saved for future usage.
  3. Press Continue.
  4. Filling out the Media handling section (along with its subsections) is optional. Refer to the plugin documentation for more details.
  5. Press Continue.
  6. Filling out the Import configuration section is also optional.
  7. Press Import.
  8. Wait until the import and mapping is done. If everything went as planned, you should see the Import Successfully Completed message.
  9. Go and visit some of your posts to check if all the field values have been successfully imported.
Fields after importing
Fields after importing

How to fill out the CSV file – table

Field Type in Toolset TypesExample valueAdditional notes
Audio of the audio file in your WordPress media gallery. You can’t include files from any external source.
 CheckboxesCheckbox title 1, Checkbox title 2 Options with the values provided will be checked
 Checkbox 1 1 – checked
 Colorpicker #c03e3e 
 Date08/30/06 mm/dd/yy
 Embedded media 
 File Path of the file in WordPress media gallery. You can’t mention files in any external source.
 Image Path of the image from WordPress media gallery, Google Images, Pixabay, Pexels, etc
 Number 125 
 Phone 123554222 
 Radio 3 
 Select 2 
 Skype alladin1234 
 Multiple lines Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sagittis lectus a massa fringilla, vel gravida eros convallis. Aliquam egestas euismod enim, eu viverra ante porta at. Sed consequat elit lorem, a volutpat justo dapibus pretium. 
 Single line In quis augue efficitur 
 WYSIWYGIn quis augue efficitur, vehicula urna non, consectetur tellus. &nbsp;<h2>something</h2>&nbsp;Lorem <strong>ipsum</strong> 
 Address Wembley Stadium, Wembley, United Kingdom Google Map address

Check the full offer of the makers of the WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer plugin.
November 16, 2020