Tell us what you are trying to do?
Get Yoast to analyse custom fields, which are all inside RFGs.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
All recent forum posts on this site as well as the course document "SEO for custom fields using Toolset and Yoast SEO in WordPress" and also Yoast website.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
No, backend.
What is the link to your site?
Given above.
I know the Yoast custom field analysis glitch was resolved in April, but I am running everything up to date and it is still not working, making Yoast next-to-useless on the site as most content is in custom fields.
Can Yoast analyse custom fields within RFGs?
Is the premium version of Yoast required for integration with Toolset?
Thanks, Peter
The Toolset Repeatable Field Groups are based on one-to-many relationship, so each item of RFG is also one single post, the RFG post type slug is same as RFG slug, so they are different post types, as a result, Yoast won't analyse custom fields within RFGs
Thanks Luo.
That makes sense to me now but wouldn't have when I built the site 2 years ago. It could be made clearer to people in the docs, and perhaps remove the Yoast option from fields when setting up a RFG?
Regards, Peter
PS Do you think it would be feasible to merge the RFG field data into the page analysis using a technique along these lines: hidden link
Yes, it is possible with custom codes, for example, in the document you mentioned above, PHP function addContent():
addContent( data ) {
data += "Hello, I'm some additional data!";
return data ;
you can use Toolset relationship API function toolset_get_related_posts() to get items of RFG
And get the custom fields value of RFG
And add them into the result "data"