I have tried with the following 3 variants: (1) underscore as in the documentation, (2) with hyphen, (3) with just "context" as is the case in with [wpml-string] shortcodes, but none of them works:
[wpv-post-read-more wpml_context="toolset-content-templates-22271" label="Read more ..."]
[wpv-post-read-more wpml-context="toolset-content-templates-22271" label="Read more ..."]
[wpv-post-read-more context="toolset-content-templates-22271" label="Read more ..."]
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
Compare EN: hidden link
to DE version: hidden link
from Content Template "Loop item in Blog Entry Search and Results View" (ID 22271)
I expected to see:
"Read more ..." translated to "Weiterlesen ..."
Instead, I got:
"Read more ..." remains untranslated on the German page hidden link, although the String translation entry "page-builder-shortcode-strings-22271" was registered and translated in WPML String Translation.
Furthermore, no string translation entry was registered in WPML String Translation for my custom context "toolset-content-templates-22271" either.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
It seems the "wpml_context" attribute is no more in use with new translation workflow. I've registered the string with the [wpml-string] shortcode as given under on your content template:
=> hidden link
[wpv-post-read-more wpml_context="toolset-content-templates-22271" label="[wpml-string context='wpv-views']Read more ...[/wpml-string]"]
And I can see the string is registered at String Translation and I've translated it. I can see the translated string on German language page.
=> hidden link
I had already tried something like you have done here, but I think I must have screwed up the single quotes and double quotes. :-/ I removed the wpml_context argument altogether since it no longer works and it is still translating correctly.
[wpv-post-read-more label="[wpml-string context='wpv-views']Read more ...[/wpml-string]"]
Can you please have the documentation updated to remove that argument from the wpv-post-read-more documentation?