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[Resolved] when I open a page, the Toolset function and WPB Page Builder don't work optimal

This support ticket is created 6 years, 6 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices.

Last updated by Beda 6 years, 6 months ago.

Assisted by: Beda.

error in backend after opdating Toolset.PNG

I am trying to: After updating Toolset yesterday - I can't do my work in WPB Page Builder.

Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link

I expected to see: that the functions are just lined up as normal in the top.

Instead, I got: It looks as if the Toolset them tool is pushing all edit functions down so I have to scroll very much. Also the preview suddenly doesn't work - earlier that happend if there was something wrong with the them or it was not choosed.



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Hi Bo

I visited your site and observed the problem.

It seems to only happen on posts that have a Layout assigned, other posts do not appear to be affected.

I don't want to do anything on your live site, so I'm taking a copy to install locally for testing.

I'll update you when I've done that.



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Hi Bo

I have confirmed the issue on my local copy of your site, though I can't reproduce it on a simple test site.

I have escalated this thread so that it can be explored further, and I'll update you when there is something to report.

Thanks for your patience.


Hello Bo, this is Beda, I will handle this issue.

Let me first outline my findings and the correct workflow you should use:

1. The Template Layout used here is empty.
2. As soon you insert a Post Body cell, this problem to me seems solved.
3. It is however not solved if a Post Body cell (or call to it) is missing from the layout.

==> So you *need* either a Post body cell or [wpv-post-body view_template="None"] in a Visual Editor cell for example in a Layout to have the issue gone away.
This is of course not expected, but it would help you to solve the current problem easily.

I have another concern thou, which leads us to how to use Toolset with Page Builders:

1. This site is using a page Builder
2. When you use a page Builder you should not use Toolset Layouts and especially not if you use WP Bakery, this is very well explained on our DOC:
>Toolset also features its own builder plugin called Layouts. However, when using Toolset with WPBakery Page Builder, we recommend not activating Layouts and using WPBakery Page Builder instead.

==> You will understand that since we do not expect the users to use Layouts in a not supported way, we also do not test it in this regard, and fixes would be not necessary as the plugin should not be activated in the first place.

There is one more problem - even if you would use Toolset Layouts (which is not supported for par builders) you would have to create Templates with Toolset, and edit them with the Builder, not the other way around.

This is visible in the process we suggest for Content Templates within Post Loops that can be edited with such builders.
But, the other way around is not suggested (Create a template with the Builder and use Content Templates within itself)

Clearly in this case, Layout should be fully removed from this site.
We do not support the usage of WP Bakery with Toolset Layouts (as somehow it's redundant to use both together)

I am in a difficult situation thou as you say this happened due to an update.

I would like to know if you have a backup from before that update.

Then we could check if we can do something, but as said, this will most likely not be regarded, as it is never supposed to be used in this constellation.

I hope my explanation on the issue is clear, please do not hesitate to feedback any matter you would like to share with me.

It would be interesting to have a copy of pre-update as well.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!



So I am surprised to hear that the setup is wrong, since one of you already helped me last year.
But great if I can use only Toolset - since I find your solution and service excellent. I do have an earlier data dump if you want to look at it. But the next problem for me - not being that technical is, how do I get on from hear then? Hope you can help.


I unterstand that you may be confused.

Let me shed some light into it.

Last year, Toolset Layouts was integrated with a few Themes though an integration Plugin.

It may be that you created the site with this information in mind?
In fact I oversaw another issue on your install:
You still use not only one but 2 integration plugins:
Toolset Customizr Integration
Toolset Genesis Integration

Given that those are Theme Integration Plugins you can use only one a time, not both.
Your current theme is genesis Child, hence only the genesis integration should be kept.
Please acknowledge that we support the original Genesis theme, and there could be eventual issues in your Child Theme which can be double-proofed by using a fresh download of Genesis (Just in case you see other issues)

Then, to move on to the more modern integration (which will affect only the post body and not anymore the whole layout) you could just disable the Plugin.
The Layout will then replace the_content() part of your Genesis Theme and offer several theme settings as well within the Layout

After, you should review carefully all the rows inside the layouts (open the editor and make sure that where you use a sidebar in combination with a layout, the row kind is set to 100% row width, rather than the mode using a container).

This is because since the div.container element has a fixed width in pixels and may overlap the sidebar

You should still not use the Page Builder when you use Toolset Layouts.

If your theme requires the Builder you should remove Layouts and use Content Templates instead.

If your theme is not requiring the Builder, you can very well proceed with the transition after performing a full backup of your website and proceed using Toolset layouts.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!


I really appreciate your help.

But I hope it is okay to ask you some more.

You wright: "Then, to move on to the more modern integration (which will affect only the post body and not anymore the whole layout) you could just disable the Plugin. The Layout will then replace the_content() part of your Genesis Theme and offer several theme settings as well within the Layout".

Are you talking about WP Bakery here or the Genisis theme?
If so, I understand that the Toolset templates take over and I then have to go through the layout.

Is the process to uninstall WP Bakery and update the templates in Toolset. And then work from there, creating new updated templates/views etc. It is some what unexpected this situation.


Are you talking about WP Bakery here or the Genisis theme?

About Genesis Theme.
Toolset Layouts is integrated both the old and new way with it:

Not with the WP Bakery plugin thou, there we integrate only Toolset without Layouts.

I understand that the Toolset templates take over and I then have to go through the layout.

If you choose to keep layouts, and remove WP Bakery, yes.

Is the process to uninstall WP Bakery and update the templates in Toolset. And then work from there, creating new updated templates/views etc. It is some what unexpected this situation.

I apologize the issue. I would evaluate what you have:
- more Layouts you want to use?
- more stuff created by Bakery Builder?

Whichever wins, you choose. That is what I would do.

This way you have less work to re-create eventual design that will be lost if one of both plugins gets removed.

I am here if you have anymore doubts!

This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.