I logged in and can see that you have a Content Template assigned to single Posts, but you also have a Template Layout assigned to single Posts.
You can only use one template for a given post type, either Views Content Templates, or Template Layouts (if you assign both, the Template Layout will be used).
The Template Layout is empty, it contains nothing.
Hence nothing is output when you visit a single Post.
If you don't need to use Layouts I recommend you disable the plugin and work just with Views Content Templates.
I checked your site again and see that the problem comes from your theme.
The newspaper theme uses non-standard ways to output post content. Specifically, it does not use the WordPress function the_content(), and when we have investigated the theme in the past we have seen that it does not include a custom function in such a way that it can be registered with Views to be compatible.
You will notice that on your site I have switched to the twentyseventeen theme where the templates work as expected.
There are only a small number of themes affected by this, and Newspaper is one of them.
The only way to get Newspaper to work with Toolset Content Templates would be to edit the theme PHP templates and modify them so that they use the standard the_content() function to render the output, but you may lose some theme functionality then.
Hi, Nigel is out today so I'm checking on his tickets. I tried to log in and take a look at what's happening, but the URL you provided earlier shows a 404 error, and I cannot log in.
Can you tell me more about this homepage archive? Are you using Toolset WordPress Archives to display this content, or are you using custom PHP archive theme files?
If you're using Toolset WordPress Archives, you can use Types field shortcodes to display custom field information for each post. If you're using custom PHP archive theme files, you can use the types_render_field function. Both of those methods are described in the documentation here: https://toolset.com/documentation/customizing-sites-using-php/functions/
Click the orange "+ More" button to see examples of each method.
the problem I have is that I'm using a premium theme ("Bridge") and the custom field "Testo" is not printed inside the article loop. (to see the case, you can visit the homepage and see attached screens)
Could you try to print the custom field inside the loop, using Toolset, on my test environment?
I have sent you all the data to log in; (FTP + WordPress)
To see the site you have to add this line to your host file:
Hi please check now. It appears that Layouts was active on the site before, and a WordPress Archive cell was assigned to the Home page Layout. That old archive was causing some problems, and making it difficult to manage the archive without Layouts. I removed that old archive and created a new WordPress Archive, then assigned it to the Home page. I copied the markup from the theme archive page into the new WordPress Archive, and added the Testo field using a Types field shortcode. You can find the new WordPress Archive here and make adjustments as needed: hidden link
There's not a built-in way to limit the amount of text a User can insert in the field. There are ways to limit the amount of text that is output on the front-end of the site, but when the field contains HTML code it can be difficult to count the visible characters and apply the proper markup. Generally if I wanted to limit the amount of text shown on the front-end of the site for a field that contains HTML script, I would use CSS to set a maximum height on its container, and set the container to hide all the content overflow. It doesn't limit the text by word count or character count, but by visual height. A couple of articles that describe this technique: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/truncate-string-with-ellipsis/ http://hackingui.com/front-end/a-pure-css-solution-for-multiline-text-truncation/