First of all :
1. The plugin 'Tollset Views' is unable to be activated, probably because i have 'Toolset Blocks'
2. as this plugin n oit working, i have to create a Page to create a View (???) and than add this view in Elementor.... Not very simple...
So i created a view in Grids to show 'last recipes' :
the grid view is working on the page i created with toolset blocks :
hidden link
BUT this view is not displyuing in columns when insterting in Elementor as in the front page
hidden link
Please can you explain and help me ?
FYI, when i edit the page with the View, if i choose the option in the loop option 'Move the editor above the View Loop', the same displaying error happens : the view is not in columns anymore when i edit the page...
1. The plugin 'Tollset Views' is unable to be activated, probably because i have 'Toolset Blocks'
2. as this plugin n oit working, i have to create a Page to create a View (???) and than add this view in Elementor.... Not very simple...
Yes this is the expected workflow when you are using the Toolset Blocks plugin instead of Toolset Views. Instead of creating Views in a standalone editor, you will create a Page or template first, then build your View directly in the Block editor. There is not even a Views menu in the main wp-admin dashboard menu. If you would like to return to the classic Views workflow you have two options:
1. Go to Toolset > Settings > General tab and look for Editing Experience. Change the setting here to allow the classic Views AND Blocks editors, or allow only classic Views. You can also adjust the CT and WP Archive editors here.
2. Deactivate Toolset Blocks and activate Toolset Views. The two plugins are essentially the same with the exception of the initial settings in Toolset > Settings > General > Editing Experience, Editor for Content Template and Editor for WP Archives.
BUT this view is not displyuing in columns when insterting in Elementor as in the front page
This sounds like a problem that can occur when you build a View in a page using the Block Editor then try to insert that View in another page. Some of the styles that were associated with the View in the original page are not carried over into the new location. Are you saying you used a View block in Elementor to insert this View in a different page? Or there is a shortcode in use somewhere? Can you explain how you placed this View in the homepage? If you can include screenshots that would be very helpful.
Dear Christian, thanks for your answer
I add the View in my home page via Elementor, usiing the 'Toolset Views' widget (see screenshot)
It asks me which view i'd like to insert, and then go.
That's why i needed to create the View before, via a page.
If i click on 'edit views'" it opens the Views edit in toolset, like if the VIews plugin where activated
BTW, since i created my first View in a page with Toolset Block, NOW i have 'Views' menu in Toolset, and i can create Views straight. it seems the Toolset View plugin is now in effect.... Strange behavior...
Hello, it seems to be displaying columns now on the homepage. Were you able to resolve this problem on your own?
Yes, i get rid of elementor.... doing my home page with views
it does not work with elementor, or i needed to do custom CSS.
thanks anyway