Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have a website where Artworks are grouped in Series - Artworks & Series have a relationship.
I started created the views under ENGLISH - some of them display also in French - but one does not display resulsts
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
English Page:
hidden link
Content Template displays the "Série Info" + "Conntected Artworks"
French Page:
hidden link
Content Template displays only the "Série Info" but no results for "Conntected Artworks"
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
I noticed that you've shared the same link for the English and French language pages, that points to the French version.
When I checked that page, the view seemed to be showing the related posts, as expected.
( screenshot: hidden link )
Looks like you've managed to make this work after writing to us, but, please let me know if I'm missing something.
Hello Waqar,
Sorry my error when writing the ticket:
The link for the French page should read:
hidden link
On that page, the view shows no results.
Thanks and best regards,
Thank you for sharing the link.
Can you please make sure that the related Artwork posts which are showing on the English version of the page, have been translated to the "French" language too?
When using WPML and post relationships, the relationship connections are managed on the basis of the primary language posts. A post view will only show the posts which are available in the current language with respect to the current page.
Thank you for your info.
One additional point - customer wants to switch now the languages from "Default English" to "Default French".
My plan is now to make it work in French, as per your recommendations - and then switch the default language to French - is that OK, or do I have to take care about something else?
May I add another issue I have:
Customer wants to that the artworks on hidden link will display in a Lightbox when clicking them.
I somehow don't get that working - is there a special plugin for lightbox that you can recommend?
best regards,
Hello Waqar,
thanks for your guidance - I managed now to show all the CPT's in french (artwork, series, bibliography and press release)
Should I open a seperate ticket for my LightBox question?
Thanks for the update and glad that the related post display is sorted now.
I've created a separate ticket for the lightbox display question and will follow up on that shortly.
( ref: )
You're welcome to mark this ticket as resolved and start a new one for each new question or concern.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!