I understand as much as to get any output I need to send the attributes into the function that outputs the content. Or else there is no content for the function to output. This works fine for event title & date that now output the way I want.
But I haven't been able to figure out how to send a child view into the custom function for the fields of that child view to be output. That's why I now only get "No items found", when I'd rather should get all the distances for each event (such as for the event "Tjörnarparen", that has four races on the same date, which means four distances).
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Hi Johnny
Minesh is sick and unable to reply to this today, and I'm going over his queue.
Minesh has already done a pretty deep dive into your site and helped out with some custom code, so I won't get involved for now unless it turns out that he is sick for some time.
As it seems like the issue is partially resolved, if you are able to simply re-formulate in very specific terms what you need that doesn't require prior knowledge of everything you have discussed with Minesh, then you might want to start a new thread with that single issue.
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Hi Johnny, Minesh won't be back this week, so if you could reformulate your issue in light of what's gone before so that it's clear what the problem is then I can try and help you with this.
Thanks. I opened a new support ticket with basically the issue I was asking about here, at https://toolset.com/forums/topic/display-child-view-based-on-post-reference-field/
Hi Johnny,
I assume you have moved the left questions to the new thread, can we close this we and follow your new thread:
Feel free to open new ticket if there is any other new questions, and we will handle it as soon as we are online. thanks
My issue is resolved now. New thread has been opened for additional questions.