I was able to get the address to input in the form using the Google APIs and it stores and displays a marker on the map. When I want to display the full address, all displays except for the Postal/Zip Code. How can I display the zip code?
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
When an address is saved in the address type custom field (either from the admin area post edit screen or from the front-end form), Toolset Types stores these two information items:
1. The human-readable address that is entered in the field is saved as it is, as the custom field value.
2. The lat/long coordinates of that address are saved in a special table, in the database.
For this reason, to ensure that the address output includes the Postal/Zip Code, you can follow one of these approaches:
1. Make sure that the Postal/Zip Code is saved in the human-readable address when saving
2. You can include a separate single-line type custom field, where users can specifically fill in the Postal/Zip Code. You'll be able to combine this field's output with the address field, to get the full address.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!