I've created a page in toolset view with a map and several locations made in a view-loop. Now I've designed a page in elementor and inserted the view. how can I insert the map with all the locations?
Can I use https://toolset.com/documentation/programmer-reference/maps/maps-shortcodes/ ??
Site is in development.
I want this page (toolset view) hidden link
to use in a elementor page like hidden link But as you can see only there are no markers etc
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
In this case, you can insert the "wpv-map-render" in the page where you'd like to show the map:
And in the view's loop, you'll need to include a "Fields and Text" block, to insert the "wpv-map-marker" shortcode:
Important: Please make sure that the "map_id" attribute value in both shortcodes is the same.
Hi Waqar,
thanks for answering my question. But still have more ... How can I include athe "Fields and Text" block in the view? is that the view wich I've made before? Where there is the title, address, info etc?
Thanks for writing back and your understanding is correct.
Since you've created one view on the "stemlocaties" page and then showing it on the homepage, you'll also add the "Fields and Text" block inside the loop of the same view.
( as shown in your screenshot: "help1.jpg" )
Note: In your other screenshot "help2.jpg", I see that you've used the "wpv-map-render" shortcode without any "map_id" attribute value, which is mandatory:
Please update it to include some map_id, so that you can use the same map_id in the "wpv-map-marker" shortcode that you'll place inside the view. This will tell the page to use a specific map to show the markers on.
Example of "wpv-map-render" shortcode:
[wpv-map-render map_id='map-1']
Example of "wpv-map-marker" shortcode:
[wpv-map-marker map_id="map-1" marker_id="[wpv-post-id]" marker_field="wpcf-location-field"]
Note: You'll replace "location-field" with the actual slug of your location field.