- Users can create their account on the site
- In addition to the standard info (firstname, lastname, mail ...), they are able to define some parameters (birth date, address, ...
- All the parameters can be used to make searches for users in the whole site
- A user can modify his own parameters (and his standard info)
Do you think the above link is able to help for my specific needs and explain a little more in detail how I need to proceed.
- All the parameters can be used to make searches for users in the whole site
==> if you create a post type that will hold the user information and create a view, you can filter and search within the post type to which view is set to query.
Hi Minesh
Thanks for this clarification.
I'm just wondering how to manage the user creation as part of the info will be on the user meta and the others will be on postype
Is there a way to do it in one shot (I don't want user have to create their basic account and need to come back to fill all needed info related to the postype).
Any idea?
1. Create a user form to collect all needed info
2. Setup a cred_save_data to create the related post
3. Make the same to update user data by the user
It seems that concerning point 3, the best way is to store all user info as user meta first and use the cred_save_data to duplicate (for creation or modification) in the post. The hook should be a little different as in case of creation, I need to use the wp_insert_post(), but in case of modification, I need to use wp_update_post().
Let me know if this seems the right way to manage it.
Yes - actually you should have a USER form and then use the Form hook cred_save_data to insert new post with all user information to post type you will create and insert the post using the function wp_insert_post().