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Hello, I'm trying to use form to create a full dynamic site, but I need some advanced help to complete what I'm looking for.
In particular I need for two things: the first one is how style the form with css like your support function of toolset web site.
How can I use form 1 and when submit load form 2 and so on.
I have a problem with form because in form 1 I asking some data of user in registration form that are necessary to complete registration, and in form 2 are others fields to complete registration form, but I can't delete the fields required in form 1 because are of the same post type and they are locked.
Some solutions?
I'm sorry , probably it's more easy then what I think but can't find a way to complete it.
other thing, How can I setting a fields that count characters left like in this support service.
What is the link to your site?
I'm working offline in a xamp task, when complete the project I'll publish it.
Thank you,
best regards
There are lots of questions in this thread, I am trying to answer them one by one.
Q1) how style the form with css like your support function of toolset web site.
You can follow our document to style Toolset Forms:
Q2) You can put those two posts in two different pages, after user submit form A, redirect user to another page with form B, see our document:
Q3) but I can't delete the fields required in form 1 because are of the same post type and they are locked.
You can edit post form 2, enable "Expert mode", and remove those required fields.
Q4) How can I setting a fields that count characters left like in this support service.
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset Forms plugin
You can submit the new feature request using the following form:
Currently, you can consider custom codes, for example below thread:
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!