I am trying to: uploading new dog on submission form and images. new-submission/. It is showing in the backend, but the new dogs and images aren't showing on the front end.
The new ones aren't showing at all.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see: The new posts from the submissions form
In the URL you mentioned above:
hidden link
There are three posts without image, for example, below post:
hidden link
In section section "Featured image", it is empty, so it won't output image in frontend.
In your case, I suggest you try these:
1) edit the post form "Add Dog for Sale":
hidden link
In the "Form Editor", add the "Featured Image" field
2) Before the user submit above post form:
hidden link
Let them upload image files in the "Featured Image" field
And test again
Actually, I use this same method for several other sites. I duplicated this site, but for some reason, the images and the posts are not showiing. I have it so the client can easily fill in the front end form without logging in the back end. I don't want them to have to log in and edit each dog. The form has a place to upload the featured image. For some reason, it is not working on this site.
Here is the form for submission: hidden link
When you upload the images and text to the submission page, it doesn't show on the Dogs for Sale page. You can see the listing from the backend. It should show on the page too. I have no idea what is going on.
I have tried again in your website, with below steps:
1) As a guest(Non logged-in user), Open URL:
hidden link
Choose an image in field "Featured Image", fill and submit the form
2) As administrator, click button "Purge SG Cache"
2) As a guest, open the URL you mentioned above:
hidden link
I can see the images correctly, see my screenshot dogs.jpg, can you confirm it? thanks
Ok I am now seeing the images and dogs. Some images are still missing. I think my client is doing this from their phone, not a computer. Maybe the featured image is being skipped. I see the some of the images are blurry. What causes that?