Tell us what you are trying to do?
Use advanced conditional block on a Content Template (rather than the basic conditional format).
I edit the template, select the post type and click 'edit conditions'.
I then click the 'advanced editor' option to toggle the advanced editor. It switches on as expected.
But if I navigate away from that condition - or save the page and return it always defaults back to the basic (IE: advanced is toggled off).
I now can't get into the content template at all. It's throwing a critical error (see attached).
I also can't delete or trash this content template anymore.
How can I get rid of it and start again?
Do you have any better instructions / guides for the advanced conditions?
I'm still struggling getting anything conditional on a content template to work.
[wpv–conditional if="('1' eq '1' )"]This field has a value[/wpv–conditional]
This just literally prints out the text above - as if the conditional shortcode is completely missing.
Standard shortcodes are working fine:
But I can't for the life of me get the conditional code to work.
If you want to go for advanced conditional usage then you should go for [wpv-conditional] shortcode.
For that you should add a content template in legacy mode from Toolset => Content Templates and name your content template and do not assign this content template to display with any post type:
(Please activate first legacy mode)