we try to show content from Toolset Custom Field "Anzahl Tage / Stunden", with slug "anzahl-tage" with a product table, coming form barn2media WC Commerce Product Table. In Types we have a custom field as Radiobutton wich have 12 different possible values and with different Text Values, then the content of the CF.
F.E. you have "Text 1 Day - Value 1 "and so on.
We use in prduct table the commited shortcode for these column "cf:wpcf-anzahl-tage" . But these show only the value, but not the text of the option.
Was there a chance to get the text of the options also in product table?
It seems that the "barn2media WC Commerce Product Table" supports getting custom field value with field slug.
In Toolset side, you can display the custom radio field option "Display text" with Types shortcode, see our document:
Or you can get the option "Display text" with PHP function: types_render_field():
You will need to check if "barn2media WC Commerce Product Table" plugin author, if their plugin can support WordPress shortcode or custom PHP codes.
Yes - product table has function for Toolset Custom Fields: [product_table columns="name,cf:wpcf-link"]
hidden link
And it should show ShortCode Content - but my first trys with [types field='anzahl-tage'][/types] are not displayed.
hidden link
It seems they do not support to use other shortcodes as "columns" attribute, did you contact their support?
yes, is informed. But not every support reacts as quickly as the Toolset Support 😉
I also give feedback here when I have feedback from barn2 support.
Please update here if you still need assistance in Toolset side.
I get the information from Barn2 Support, that only the values in Database of a custom Field could displayed.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!