I read through a few other support tickets on this topic but they didn't really answer my question.
I have a local environment set up for development that has WP 5.3.2 running on PHP 7.3.2/MySQL 5.6/nginx.
I've tested page loads in a few scenarios. This is a bare-bones dev site with no plugins enabled aside from Toolset Types 3.3.8 and Blocks 1.0.1.
When I look at TTFB times for this site with no plugins active, it hovers around 230ms.
When I activate Toolset Types, the TTFB jumps to 565ms.
When I have both Types and Blocks active, TTFB increases to 1.05s.
Do these response increases seem expected for Toolset? I ask because I'm trying to optimize numerous client sites on which I'm using those plugins and the TTFB times are routinely an issue. I want to make sure I'm not hurting performance unnecessarily by using Toolset.
BTW, Query Monitor says DB queries are totaling around 120ms, depending on the page.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
As per the following blog posts, TTFB time depends on multiple criteria, like server configuration, DNS response time etc..etc..
=> hidden link
=> hidden link
Can you please tell me with what page/post you are checking the TTFB?
Once you confirm this, I will run a test on my end and will share the results with you.
This is not a public-facing site, so you'd need to test this locally with one of your development sites. I checked multiple pages and averaged the response times.
I realize that most plugins have some server overhead, I'm just wondering how much is normal for Toolset plugins.
Ok - just to clarify again I should make a test by installing and activating these two plugins: Toolset Types 3.3.8 and Blocks 1.0.1.
- There is no content created using the Types plugin - correct?
- There is no content created using Blocks plugin - correct?
- I just need to visit any admin pages like plugins page, post listing page, themes page?
- or I need to check this with any frontend page/post?
- I should test with default 2019 theme - correct?
Can you please confirm above and I would be happy to test and then pass this information to our devs for further troubleshooting.
I have 2 custom post types created with Types for testing.
I have a few simple Views to test those CPTs, like an archive view and a simple list view.
I don't care about TTFB in the admin dashboard; this is all about the front end.
You can test with any theme as we're talking about relative response times (no plugins active vs Toolset plugins active).
Thank you for sharing all the required information.
I've made some tests and reported all my findings to our next level support and our Devs will review it. I'll get in touch with as you as soon as I get updates on it.
The toolset has nothing to do with TTFB except for if we have a performance issue in rendering our components.
TTFB is made up of three separate components:
1) The time it takes to send the HTTP request
2) The time it takes to process the request
3) The time it takes for the server to send back the first byte of the response to the browser
Toolset can't control The First and third points but of course, we care about the 2nd one.
So, we can't say that the acceptable TTFB for toolset is XXX time because it depends on the server and other resources where the site has been hosted.
However, while building the site using Toolset Blocks if you encounter any performance issues we would like to debug that further and address it, if confirmed. You are welcome to file a ticket with all the required details, otherwise nothing much we can do here.