Clients try to upload an image and it won't upload. i tried it and got a failed verification error and it shows at the top of the site. Then it looks like the form goes, but no image is uploaded. My clients need to get this to work correctly. That is why I purchased this plugin so they can submit their own info to the website.
I can login into your website, where can I see the problem you mentioned above?
Please provide detail steps to reproduce the same problem, also point out the problem page URLs, thanks
I thought you couldn't login, so I changed the password to: Ahotsummerdayin2021
However, I try to go to this page: hidden link
but I get the error code uploading an image.
Then if I can get the image to upload, it is not showing on this page: hidden link
The first image we upload should be the featured image.
Thanks for the details, I have tried it with my chrome browser, it works fine, I can upload the image files without any problem, you can see it here:
hidden link
hidden link
What error message did you get when upload the images?
And can you try with username "toolset", and provide detail steps to reproduce the same problem
Something strange is going on with this site. I'm not seeing the dogs listed on the backend. The ones showing aren't listed in the backend. I have a verification code at the top of my page that was there since I last tried to upload an image.
I'm sending 3 images of what I'm seeing in the backend, so you understand how messed up this is.
Please see what is going on. I logged in as toolset and see the same thing.
I updated the password to. Hotsummerday2021
Please help me figure this out. My client needs to sell her puppies.
I just did another test post myself. This is what happened
I've finally got the page refreshed and I'm not seeing the test dogs now. (thankfully). But the last dog I tried to upload, with images, I got that error about it failed...... The verification code is seen at the top of the page too.
I need to get this figured out for my client to upload her dogs info and pictures. thanks.
I have tried it again, it works fine, I can upload image files and submit the form without any problem, see my video capature:
hidden link
Since you are using the "SiteGround Optimizer" plugin, it will cache the Toolset Forms plugin nonce field value, I suggest you exclude the "New Submission" page URL here:
Dashboard-> SG Optimizer-> SuperCacher Settings, in section "Excluding URLs", fill value: new-submission/
And test again
That seemed to take care of not seeing the pictures. I'll try to get that added to all my sites using toolset. Thanks. My issue is resolved now. Thank you!