I'm trying to group inside the selector of the post relationships, I'll post pics of what I mean.
Giving custom post type hierarchy (for the purposes of grouping really and nothing else).
For example:
Chevrolet (car brand)
- Camaro (group by Camaro)
--Camaro SS (2001 / 2011)
--Camaro RT5 (2009 / 2015)
--Camaro RT6 (2011 / 2021)
-Cruze (group by Cruze)
--Cruze AT4 (2005 / 2010)
--Cruze AT5 (2011 / 2020)
--Cruze AT6 (2021 / ...)
I'm posting pics to visualize what I'm saying.
Basically an optgroup instead of every one being a single OPT, something like what would happen with taxos.
Not sure if possible, but I do Hope so.
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
I've performed some testing and research and unfortunately, couldn't find any built-in or straightforward customization method to achieve this.
The select field for the relationship item selection uses AJAX call with the select2 script for the autocomplete feature. So to make it use nested 'optgroup' tags, will require a major rewrite at the plugin level code.
Welp, I guess I'll keep trying to figure some other thing out.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!