We have further feedback ... after a lot of debugging we find this "JPEGNAME-wpcf_" image creation very bad.
It's an extra file on the filesystem ... it's not supported by WordPress (and media management plugins like image optimizers) ... it's an unwanted behaviour ...
Can you optionize this behaviour so we can disable it ?
We are having problems in a big project where Toolset types are defined as "Apartments",
and each "Apartment" have a gallery of images and that images are loaded from WP Media,
and we display this images as slideshow with a normal view.
BUT, that view, is getting out "JPEGNAME-wpcf_" instead of "JPEGNAME", and we are loosing image metadata (Alt and Title),
also we want the exact images to be shown to the public and not this extra "wpcf" file.
We really don't know when and why this started, but it should be documented better ...
I didn't see your last reply ...
... for us the problem is still there,
and anyway we don't want Google to index a new image that we can't control with thumbs, metadata, webp version,
we only want to use standard image ... the prefix you add, make it unmanagable by standard plugins online.
It's also a waste of free space in the server ... so PLEASE make a way for people to use the standard image instead this extra image that -we don't understand why- you decided to add out of nowhere.
This thread is closed and if you have a new issue you should open a new thread.
Before you do I can just tell you that the filename-wpcf_ versions of the images are only created when you output images in a custom size.
If you don't want such images to be generated then you should register the required size using add_image_size and then modify the templates where you output the images so that they use this named sized rather than the current custom fixed width and height.
Hi Nigel, we are not using a custom size in the code ... we are using "large":
<div id ="apt-top-owl" class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
[wpv-for-each field="wpcf-apt-top-gallery"]<div class="item">[types field='apt-top-gallery' title='%%TITLE%%' alt='%%ALT%%' size='large' resize='proportional'][/types]</div>[/wpv-for-each]
Our template (Genesis) don't have any add_image_size in it's code, we have only standard image sizes handled by WordPress:
small (150x150) medium (300x300) large (1024x682)
When we use the above code, Toolset create wpcf custom images that have 1024x682 size, exactly like the "large" default image size.
So they are somehow useless ... maybe Toolset is not recognising that size?