the contact form here hidden link is not working and doesn't take any errors. Can you advise please?
Thank you for waiting.
I've performed some tests on my website, with a similar form, but couldn't reproduce this issue. This suggests that this is something specific to your website.
For further troubleshooting, I'll suggest the following steps:
1. Please make sure that all plugins are updated to their latest versions. Some of the Toolset plugins are not up-to-date.
2. If the issue still persists, please turn on WordPress debugging mode and see if any errors or warnings are shown on the screen or in the server's error logs.
( ref: https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/ )
3. It would also be a good idea to test this with all extra (non-Toolset) plugins disabled and with a default theme like Twenty Twenty.
If it is fixed, you can start adding the disabled items, one-by-one, to narrow down to a possible conflict.
4. In case the issue still persists, I'll need a clone/snapshot of your website, for even deeper investigation.
( ref: https://toolset.com/faq/provide-supporters-copy-site/ )
Please let me know how it goes and I've set your next reply as private.