Using Jnews theme and created a CPT Products.
Jnews theme is using wp-content/themes/jnews/fragment/post/single-post-3.php
Created: jnews-child-1/fragment/post/single-post-3-product.php
But the template override isn't working for CPT Products.
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
As per the standard WordPress template hierarchy, you can place a file named 'single-{post-type}.php' (replacing {post-type} with the target post type's slug) in the active child theme's folder and it should work.
( ref: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/#single-post )
Some themes may use their own template structure. In those cases, they do provide comments or notes at the start of the template files on how to override them through a child theme.
In case it still doesn't work, you can consult the JNews theme's official support, for further information.
Thank you, Jnews support were able to fix the template. All working now.