This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.
I just want to show the last sermon entered, it's title, and it's associated taxonomy title / taxonomy image. And then show place this 'view' inside my template.
Why can't I make a view to show a post (with all it's fields) and all the data (term fields) of the taxonomy it's associated with?
In your case, you can try with a nested view, for example:
1) Parent post view list "SERMONS" posts, and display below child view
2) Child taxonomy view list terms of taxonomy "SERIES", with a Taxonomy term filter:
Taxonomy is set by the current post
In the child Taxonomy view, display the term fields.
I made an item type called SERMONS. I made a taxonomy for it called SERIES. I added a field (term field) to this taxonomy called series-image.
So then I added an item to this SERIES taxonomy called FULLY DEVOTED and uploaded an image with it (to this series-image field).
Then I added a sermon item and assigned it to this FULLY DEVOTED series item.
Now, I want to show the image I uploaded to UPWARD in all the sermons I assign to that series. I want to show it in a view I made that lists all the sermons. What is the code to show this series-image field? I've tried everything from your site and still can't figure it out. You can see here hidden link it's showing all the data I input for a sermon but I have no idea how to pull data from the taxonomy fields of the taxonomy these sermons are assigned to.
Basically I want to show the image in all the sermon boxes you see there of whatever series the sermon is assigned to.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - At the moment, you can display term fields on a View listing terms and on a term archive page.
So - you should create a taxonomy view filter by your taxonomy term slug and add the taxonomy image (series-image field) to taxonomy view's loop output section.
Why can't I make a view to show a post (with all it's fields) and all the data (term fields) of the taxonomy it's associated with? In one view? It seems I have to choose one or the other. I just want to show the last sermon entered, it's title, and it's associated taxonomy title / taxonomy image. And then show place this 'view' inside my template.
Minesh isn't available, I will take care of this thread.
In your case, you can try with a nested view, for example:
1) Parent post view list "SERMONS" posts, and display below child view
2) Child taxonomy view list terms of taxonomy "SERIES", with a Taxonomy term filter:
Taxonomy is set by the current post
In the child Taxonomy view, display the term fields according to our document:
Thanks Luo,
Unfortunately I have no idea what you are saying to do in step 1. Can you tell me where I would set sermons as the parent posts and what you mean about displaying it below child view?
After login into your website, I get 503 error, see screenshot 503.JPG, seems your website is broken, so I can not setup demo in your website, so I create a demo site here: hidden link
user/pass: xgren/111111
1) Parent post view list "SERMONS" posts, and display below child view hidden link
2) Child taxonomy view list terms of taxonomy "SERIES", with a Taxonomy term filter:
Taxonomy is set by the current post
In the child Taxonomy view, display the term fields hidden link
This isn't working unfortunately. The sermons all show the same taxonomy image even though they have different assigned taxonomies (and thus different images).
hidden link You can see what I mean. They have different series and yet even though the different series have different image, they are all showing the same series image.