There is no update on this in form of a Plugin Update just now.
I escalated this issue and presented the reason and it's possible workarounds, which are all to do on the conflict of CSS.
There are problems doing this, as elaborated, you cannot just overwrite DIVI's CSS - it won't help anything.
This is for example because "container" is used.
So then you could customize Bootstrap, use custom classes and then apply that to the Toolset core.
With this, we would not ship anymore a default native Bootstrap library, which means we would modify the probably biggest framework out there.
Not a good idea either.
So, our idea is to solve this as far we can with a custom CSS sheet that would b loaded (probably this would need to be decided manually) when DIVI and Toolset are active.
As said, this can't solve all issues, that are due to simple conflicts which cannot be solved with simple CSS overwrites.
I know that this is known now since months, but I cannot do anything to change this.
I can provide yo CSS (which also is mostly already available thru workarounds presented in this Forum). But this will not solve all issues, as they are not solvable logically, as you understand according the previous explanations.
We just discussed this recently and I stressed that while you can solve some, you can not solve all the issues.
And this is because we both use the same CSS classes, but apply different styles on those classes.
I will query with my team mates and leaders if we can provide a fully working (as far it's possible) CSS solution that we can ship to you an other users.
The problem remains, this will not solve all the issues, as the above and previous writings explain.
Please await my update here by next week.