Thanks - That was a big help. I was able to create a new view for another repeating fields (Nous Rappelle A), the front end shows the table but not the entries. Also every time I try to add a "field group title" it is not saved after updating the post.
So it works like this
- Mot A
-- A - Aleph - 1 - Principe créatif 1
---- Source Aleph 12
---- Source Aleph 34
-- A - Aleph - 1 - Principe créatif 2
---- Source Aleph 56
---- Source Aleph 78
In your case it needs a nested view, for example:
1) Parent post view,
- query "A - Aleph - 1 - Principe créatif" posts,
- filter by:
Select items from the "A - Aleph - 1 - Principe créatif" group that are related to the Post where this View is shown.
- in the view's loop, display below child post view
2) Child post view
- query "Source Aleph" posts,
- filter by:
Select items from the "Source Aleph" group that are a related to the current post in the loop. Notice, here you need to use option "current post in the loop", since it depends on the post from parent post view
- And in the view's loop, display fields of Source Aleph" post type
Hi - I uploaded a file that describe my issue. How can I make the nested view show in their corresponding fields inside the table? They are from the same Post Fields Group.
I tried to follow your instructions but couldn’t locate how to “in the view's loop, display below child post view”.
Thanks again.
Same credentials as before.
No, Since it is a nested view, there isn't such kind of exact features as your screenshot, but it can be still be able display as HTML table, and the "Sortby" feature of HTML table header won't work as expected, please let me know if you need assistance to setup a demo for you.
And “in the view's loop" means:
When you edit an view, in section "Loop Editor", within shortcodes:
<wpv-loop> ... </wpv-loop>
Thanks Luo, I figured it out. No need for s demo. two quick questions.
#1 I setup a new Post Fields Group. No repeating fields on WYSIWYG fields but I can make it doesn't show on the 'Mots' admin side.
Settings for Type de Documents
Name (required)
"Type de Documents"
Description Add description
Appears on
Post Type(s): Mots
Any clue why?
#2 - Every time I add a "Field Group Title" it's not saved.
I'm happy to know that your original issue #2 is resolved. Please feel free to resolve this ticket and we will continue with your new question with the brand new split ticket.