Thanks for the update.
I've added the view "Sort by distance" on a new demo page so that it is more clear how it works, alone, without the other block's based view. You'll find this new page at:
hidden link
In the view's ordering settings, I selected the "Anschrift" so that the results are ordered by the distance from the searched location.
( screenshot: hidden link )
In the content template "Loop item in Sort by distance", which shows the loop items of this view, I included the "Heading" block to show the title of each "Ärzte" post.
( hidden link )
To show each Ärzte post's map marker, I also included the "wpv-map-marker" shortcode, linked to the "Anschrift" field:
( ref: )
[wpv-map-marker map_id='map-14' marker_id='marker-[wpv-post-id]' marker_field='wpcf-anschrift'][/wpv-map-marker]
In this content template, you can add the content the same way as you added in the blocks-based view's loop item at the page "Arzt- & Kliniksuche".
( screenshot: hidden link )
4. Sometimes we want to sort the search results alphabetically by last name. However, sometimes there seems to be a bug and the results are displayed in the wrong order. Is there a way to troubleshoot this?
- In the classic/legacy views, you can use the "Sorting controls" button to insert the sorting controls in the "Search and Pagination" section.
( screenshot: hidden link )
You can add the sorting controls and in case, it is still not working as expected, you're welcome to share the steps to see the issue.
5. We would like to add social media icons under a loop element that should display e.g. the facebook icon, when there is a facebook url entry in the post. Do you have a preset block of doing so? If not, which way would you recommend?
- Yes, you can use the Toolset's "Button" block for this, which can show a button with a social icon and can be linked to the custom field for the dynamic URL.
6. We want to display icons for example a house and next to it the address that is provided in a custom field of the post. Do you have a preset block of doing so? If not, which way would you recommend?
- For this, you can either use the Toolset's "Button" block for icon or use the icon shortcode that you've used in the block's based view on the page "Arzt- & Kliniksuche".
I've created a separate ticket about the questions about the styling of the distance search fields and will follow up on that shortly.
( ref: )